Consumer Controls

Solution for Issuers

Consumer Controls

Consumer Controls is a web solution that allows you to control corporate card expenses for employees. The solution allows companies greater control and security over how, where, and when their corporate digital cards and account numbers are used.

Consumer Controls

Consumer Controls

Increases card usage and reduces fraud

When carrying out transactions, the solution specifies that this is a corporate card, ensuring reasonable and appropriate use of the cards by employees. In addition, Consumer Control provides customized and easy-to-use tools, assists in account and expense management, and helps in preventing fraud.

Consumer Controls Permission to purchase in merchant categories
Consumer Controls Purchase alerts and greater control over company transactions
Consumer Controls Definition of total spending limits in a time period
Consumer Controls Selection of purchases in foreign countries
Consumer Controls Permission for transaction for e-commerce and/or POS
Consumer Controls Ability to easily cancel and add cards

Solution Benefits:

Increases card usage

Consumers set objectives and spending goals directly related to the card, which increases customer engagement and loyalty.

Reduces fraud

In addition to greater engagement, customers create and track specific spending categories and limits that ensure greater transaction security.

Web and mobile app

Consumer Controls is a web and mobile application integrated with Visa and Mastercard that allows for the management and control of digital cards.

Meets company standards

The solution ensures that the card is used according to the company's standards.

Immediate suspension

Identifies problems, fraud and card losses.

Card control

Ensures greater transparency of costs by category, employee and company.

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