Solutions for more secure electronic transactions

Payment solutions for financial institutions

Experts in payment solutions

Learn about the three pillars that sustain our solutions

Card Tokenization

Modular solutions that are used to manage digital cards, reducing friction and offering increased security through tokenization technology.

Secure e-commerce

Fraud detection and prevention solutions offering a range of authentication methods that prevent fraudulent charges and minimize false refusals.

Validation of transactions

In an increasingly digital world, the importance of recognizing valid transactions increases significantly with each click of the mouse.

Card Issuance

For more than 2 decades, we have been offering EMV solutions to financial institutions for the issuing of debit, credit and prepaid cards.

Data preparation

Solution for data preparation and recording of card chips and magnetic stripes for use with mainframe and standard industry servers.

Terminal management

Self-service solution for ATM applications including aspects related to development, management, control, and operation.

Proven industry track record and international payment experience

For more than 35 years, our payment solutions have consistently met the most demanding security standards defined by the industry’s major brands and committees, such as PCI and EMVCo.


active customers using our platforms and services


countries on 3 continents


years of experience


of the top banks in Latin America as trusted partners


Some customers that trust our expertise.

Want to learn more about tokenization?

Sign up to download our tokenization e-book and sales sheets.