Issuer Token Service Provider

Solution for Issuers

Token Service Provider

HST’s Issuer Token Service Provider (I-TSP), is a link to integrate card issuers and network brands. The solution allows card issuers to approve requests for card tokenization from token requestors such as digital wallets and merchants. I-TSP promotes another functionality to issuers that enables token lifecycle management.

Issuer Token Service Provider

Token Service Provider for Issuers

Connects Visa VTS, Mastercard MDES, AMEX and Private Label Vaults to the Issuers

With the Issuer Token Service Provider (I-TSP), issuers are able to approve card tokenization requests and securely manage payment tokens to reduce fraud.

Issuer Token Service Provider Push Provisioning and VCEH to other wallets and wearables
Issuer Token Service Provider ID&V - Identification and verification
Issuer Token Service Provider Web interface for operational management
Issuer Token Service Provider Data analysis dashboard for issuer decision making
Issuer Token Service Provider

Token Lifecycle Management

Management for Issuers


The solution provides issuers with complete control over the tokens associated with cards. Anticipate issues and respond swiftly to fraud situations or account closures by suspending or eliminating tokens, ensuring transactions are always secure. With I-TSP, in case of card replacement, issuers can update tokens associated with the old PAN to the new PAN, facilitating recurring charges like streaming services.


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Solution Benefits:

Card and token lifecycle management

Manages the digital card lifecycle and token lifecycle.

Cost reduction

Issuers can reduce costs by using tokens instead of PAN.

International certification

The solution is in compliance with all necessary market requirements with Visa Ready and Mastercard Engage certification.

Solution presence

Our SaaS solution is present in 8+ countries and in 13+ issuers and processors in Latin and Central America.

Identification (ID&V)

Verification of cardholder identity.


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